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    PLEASE NOTE: All submitted entries are subject to review and are monitored by the staff at the Heart of Biddeford.

    Please consider the following guidelines when posting. Listings that do not meet these guidelines may not be published. 

    • Before filling out the form, please take a look at listings already posted on this site to see what information will be required and how it’s typically formatted.
    • Make sure you have all of the form information on hand before creating your listings (e.g. address, website, email address, phone number, social media channels, images, logo, etc.)
    • Please upload high resolution/high quality images. Low-quality images will make it harder for HOB and our partners to promote your listings. Please refrain from using images with text (e.g. a poster or a picture of a business card). These can be difficult to read and may end up cropped.

    If you have any questions, please contact Heart of Biddeford at or 207-284-8520.