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Oct 05
2022 Veterans Day Parade Sign Up

The Biddeford Saco Veterans Day Parade will be held on Friday, November 11, 2022 starting in Saco at 10 a.m. and proceeding to Biddeford.  On behalf of the Biddeford-Saco Veterans Day Planning Committee, we invite Veterans, service organizations, community groups, elected officials, supporting businesses, bands and dance troops to participate in the Biddeford-Saco Veterans Day Parade. Please register online by November 2nd. Once registered, you’ll only receive an...

Sep 07
Bendable Maine: Lifelong Learning from the Library

On Aug. 23, the Maine State Library celebrated the launch of Bendable Maine, as some 60 people turned out in Augusta for food, drink and conversation. Speakers included Portland Poet Laureate Maya Williams, who read an original work to mark the event, and State Labor Commissioner Laura Fortman (pictured here). “Bendable allows job-seekers to dip...

Aug 30
Funds Available Now for Businesses

Following a meeting with Finance Authority of Maine (FAME), Heart of BIddeford wanted to make sure Biddeford business owners knew about two sources of funds that are going to be made available very soon. Please see the powerpoint they provided or go directly to the FAME website. The Thrive Grant is ARPA funds, coming through...