It’s Our Time Open House!

What Time is it? It’s Our Time!


Open Houses, 3 – 6 p.m.

  • Tours of the clock tower, free but pre-reg required. Register here
  • Backstage Tours of City Theater, free but pre-registration is required.
  • Biddeford Historical Society Presentation: History of the City Hall Building, with BHS curator Catherine Glynn (no pre-reg required), 4 p.m. in City Council Chambers (2nd floor City Hall)
  • Biddeford Historical Society Main Street Architecture and History Tours. Meet at City Square, corner of Main Street and Adams Street. (no pre-reg required), 3:30, 4, and 4:30.
  • Upper Main Street Scavenger Hunt. Get all the Scavenger Hunt Info here

It’s Our Time Community Celebration, 6-6:45 p.m. City Square

  • Celebrate our community and preservation of the clock tower!
  • Meet on Adam Street outside City Hall, with performances by Sellam Circus, illuminated art on the City Hall building by Lumenarrt, and live music!

True Story Theater, 7-8:30 p.m., City Theater

  • True Story Theater: An interactive story-sharing experience.
    Tickets are free but we recommend getting your ticket on Eventbrite to secure your spot.
    True Story Theater performs improvisational theater with heart. Audience member volunteers are invited to share a brief story from their personal experience. Actors then honor these stories through drama, movement, music, and song. With True Story Theater, audiences laugh and cry, build respect and understanding, and gain insights about their lives. All ages welcome. It’s fine if English is not your first language. Come to share… or just to watch and learn. This is a free event, but we would like to get a sense of interest through free online pre-registration.

Please vote online daily through Oct. 26