Category: Community

Feb 05
Biddeford WinterWeek 2021

Celebrate WinterWeek as you and your family/pod explore outdoor adventures around town — with chances to WIN kid’s bikes, downtown gift cards, and $500  cash! How to Play! Download the free Eventzee App. Enter BWW2021 as the game code. (Use caps for BWW) Then, anytime during Feb. 15-21, complete the challenges listed! Once you complete...

Nov 30
Have Yourself a Very Local Holiday

Enjoy this special post from Biddeford native, Emma Bouthillette.  She is a marketer, yoga teacher, and author of A Brief History of Biddeford. Coming of age as the city’s Main Street was mostly vacant, she has fully embraced the downtown renaissance. If you don’t see her supporting small businesses, you’ll probably find her on the...

  • Community
Nov 09
Façade Improvement Funds for Biddeford Small Businesses

New 0% Interest Loan Funds Now Available for Downtown Facade Improvements! Main Street America (MSA), Maine Downtown Center (MDC), and the Heart of Biddeford are pleased to offer the Maine Historic Commercial District Revolving Fund, made possible through generous support from The 1772 Foundation, Inc. Over the next three years, the Maine Historic Commercial District...

Jun 05
Design for Distance

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Problem statement: Businesses need to constantly adapt to COVID-19 related challenges. It can be challenging to figure out how to re-design a space to meet safety guidelines. Now, businesses in Biddeford are allowed to creatively add exterior dining. However many restaurateurs do not have the design experience to create an aesthetically pleasing design change with...

Apr 23
Share the Love!

In an effort to support frontline, essential workers as well as local restaurants during the “Stay healthy. Stay home” statewide order, Heart of Biddeford launched a fundraising campaign called, “Share the Love” on Tuesday, April 20. To date, nearly $12,000 has been raised through the online campaign. Heart of Biddeford will use 100% of the...

Mar 13
We are Crew; Not Passengers

We are Better Together (Just a Little Further Apart…) Biddeford has always been known as a can-do community, and we are being called upon now to show great care for one another. The coronavirus is affecting all of our lives, creating new challenges daily. Let’s stay in contact (virtually) and find ways to support each...

Feb 25
Thank You from the 2020 Community Soup-er

  Thank You! Wow! Sunday night’s Community Soup-er and “Love Your Downtown” Raffle awards were such a success. Thanks to 14 restaurateurs, more than 25 volunteers, talented bowl and plate makers (and their teachers), and about 200 attendees, our community will be able to contribute $2000 to Seeds of Hope Neighborhood Center. This will enable...

Aug 09
Biddeford in the News!

    The 11 Hottest Restaurants in Maine Right Now (Eater, February 4, 2020) Featuring Magnus on Water.  After undergoing the ambitious renovation of a gift shop and the adjacent public park, this Biddeford cocktail bar opened to crowds in late January…..Read More Baked in Biddeford (Eat Drink Lucky Portland, February 3, 2020) Part & Parcel is...

Apr 05
City Hall Clock Tower Update: It’s Our Time!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Partners In Preservation: Heart of Biddeford participated in the $150,000 Partners in Preservation campaign with a focus on sites that celebrate equity and social change. Each of the sites featured in the campaign played a role in the development of a more diverse nation. Heart of Biddeford and the City Hall Clock Tower were included in...

Mar 29
Adopt a Park!

What better way to be part of your community than getting directly involved in beautifying your local parks? Heart of Biddeford,  in concert with the City of Biddeford, has an ongoing “Adopt a Park” program, and are always looking for dedicated and enthusiastic individuals to help care for Biddeford’s 12 urban parks.