Category: Community

Nov 10
Veterans Day Ceremony, 11 a.m. Nov. 11, 2015

Due to the weather forecast for rain tomorrow morning, we’ve decided to cancel…

Oct 25
Candidates Asked to Weigh In on Downtown

Wondering what the candidates for mayor and city council think about the…

Aug 19
HOB Seeks Amateur & Pro Photos!

The Heart of Biddeford Design Committee seeks submissions from photographers to…

Aug 09
HOB’s Top 10 Summer Accomplishments

Yes, Maine summers beg us to find beach time, vacations, and a little slower pace.…

Jul 24
What Do You Know about Parking?

In many communities across the country, there are concerns about parking in the…

Jul 02
Biddeford Mills Museum Tours Now Running!

Reservations for Historic Tours The 2021 Historic Tour Season is here and this year,…

Jun 15
The Little Things Mean a Lot

Are you enjoying the new mural at 265 Main Street, created by artist Julie Gray? She…

Jun 03
Young Biddeford

Attracting and retaining young people and young entrepreneurs is of high importance in…

Jun 03
7-Minute Workout Station

Why We Built a 7-Minute Workout Station David Flood (HOB Board member) first brought…

Jun 03
What Do HOB Volunteers Do…

…for 3000 Hours Per Year? Stop in to HOB any given day, and you will meet an…