Over the past month, it’s clear the City Hall clock tower inspired a ton of support! Thank you to everyone who voted, shared, tweeted and cajoled! We have reason to be very proud for our efforts, and for the win! (We’ll receive $150,000!) We also wanted to share some of the art that was inspired...
HEART OF BIDDEFORD PARTICIPATING IN PARTNERS IN PRESERVATION: MAIN STREET CAMPAIGN REFLECTING AMERICAN DIVERSITY Biddeford’s City Hall Clock Tower Can Win Preservation Funding with Support From the Local Community As a participant of the 2018 Partners in Preservation campaign, Heart of Biddeford is encouraging the public to visit VoteYourMainStreet.org to secure funding to help preserve...
Visitors to Maine often seek authentic downtown experiences – from breweries to local bakeries and from art galleries to historic theaters. Fortunately, Biddeford is rich in these offerings! Visitors to Maine are encouraged to check out all the of the state’s nationally designated Main Streets through the new MainStreetMaine.org website! Highlights from Biddeford can be...