The Clock Tower Inspired Us!

Over the past month, it’s clear the City Hall clock tower inspired a ton of support! Thank you to everyone who voted, shared, tweeted and cajoled! We have reason to be very proud for our efforts, and for the win! (We’ll receive $150,000!)

We also wanted to share some of the art that was inspired by the clock tower.

1) Click here to enjoy this piece by local author Emma Bouthillette. She  wrote From the Clock Tower, a reflection on Biddeford’s history from the perspective of the clock tower, for our Oct. 20 Open House event. Enjoy!

2) Here’s a beautiful fall photo featuring the City Hall clock tower, by Jules Dennison.

3) This is a wonderful sunset view by Nicholas LaRiviere of Firefly Aerial Solutions LLC.

4) Delicious and sweet cookies by Mug Buddy Cookies!

5) The “It’s Our Time” video about Biddeford is a work of art by Andrew Dickinson!

6) Lastly, please enjoy Facing Time, by Stephanie Demas
Look Up, Look Up!

There it stands,
The face of Biddeford
The City Clock Tower.
Waiting for us to finally clean fix and respect it.

Most don’t even know it exists,
never looking up from life and its demands.
Looking down so as to avoid missteps,
engrossed with our lives.

There it is to be saved,
Beyond the day to day
to the minute by minute
to the now instead,
Allowing us to look up at it again and again with new eyes.

Thankfully, here it is still,
a hero for all times.

Thank you!!

So many people helped to make this campaign possible. Many thanks to the following folks, without whom this success would not be possible!

Heart of Biddeford’s Board of Directors and volunteers!

“It’s Our Time” Video
Director and videographer: Andrew Dickinson
Actors: Pete Lamontagne, Washima Faeroz, Tammy Ackerman, Catherine Glynn, Phil Radding, Kevin & Elizabeth Hussey, Stacy Cooper, Kendra LaFlamme, Travis Chaput and Chef Eric, Maria Ramos, Alan Casavant, Kana Colarossi, Dudziak’s Gymnastics, Roxi Suger, Matt Dubois, Norm Beaupre, Diane Beaupre, Ian McConnell, Biddeford High School students Jacob Pinkham, Maliha Raidah, Maggie Behen, and Alyssa Landry and their teacher Veronica Foster, Mark Nahorney, and Rodney Mashia.

Social Media Consultant
-Briana Campbell

City of Biddeford
-Danica Lamontagne, Jim Bennett, Phil Radding

Creative Team
Matthew Dubois, Amy Clearwater, Amy Grohman, Abigail Cioffi, Leah Schaffer, Emily Payne, and Taylor Elmer!

Extra Support
Anne Ball of the Maine Downtown Center, Sarah Hansen and all our friends at Maine Preservation

Open House Weekend
-Catherine Glynn, Phil Radding, Biddeford Historic Society, Dana Peck, Paul McDonough, Louise Merriman, City Theater, Sellam Circus School, Lumenarrt, Wendy Brown, Mayor Alan Casavant, and Emma Bouthillette!