Volunteer Opportunities


The Heart of Biddeford is a volunteer-driven organization. Our wonderful volunteers are critical to our success and we strive to match you with a volunteer opportunity that matches your skills, interests, and availability. Please see below for a description of our volunteer opportunities and an application form.


Board Membership

Commitment level: High, long-term (2 yrs minimum)
Expectations: Attend one meeting a month, actively promote and advocate for the organization and its efforts.  Understand how a Main Street program works to better the community. Make an annual donation to the organization. Solicit donations from business connections, friends and families. Think creatively and actively about the strategic plan of the organization, and provide input to group discussion regarding the future of the City and of the organization as it builds and forms partnerships with other entities. Devote 5 hours per month outside of meetings to volunteer work for the organization.


Committee Membership

Commitment level: Medium-High, but longer term (1 year minimum)
Expectations: Attend one meeting a month. Understand how a Main Street program works to better the community. Work with other committee members to actively create and follow annual work plans. Devote 4 hours per month outside of meetings to volunteering for the organization. Essential qualities in a committee member are commitment to positivity, ability to work well with others, and proven ability to complete a project once started.


Day-of-Event Volunteer

Commitment level: Low (a few hours minimum)
Expectations: Show up on day of event/project prepared to do the amount of work/time that you signed up for.  The types of “workers” needed varies greatly from event to event, so inquiring about specific opportunities prior to signing up is recommended. However, if you are a willing and able to do just about anything, that is great information for us to have on hand as well!

Volunteer Handbook

Learn even more about the Heart of Biddeford’s mission and volunteer opportunities by checking out the volunteer handbook. Whether you’re looking to gain new job skills, or network with local connections, the Heart of Biddeford has volunteer opportunities to help you achieve your goals.

We are in the process of updating the handbook: please watch for a new download soon!

Volunteer Form

If you haven’t heard from us within two business days, please call Heart of Biddeford at 207-284-8520.